University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown


Graduation is not an automatic process. Students must apply for graduation in the semester prior to their final term.

University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown students pursuing a Bachelors degree will be eligible to apply online for graduation when they have 100 "in-progress credits".  If the graduation term is not yet available in the application process, the student will need to wait until the next term is available for applications.   A graduation application must be submitted electronically in PeopleSoft in order for a degree to be conferred.

two students wearing graduation gowns and caps

Once eligible, students should complete the online application by logging into and following these instructions. Upon review and final approval your degree is conferred and your diploma is ordered. All financial obligations to the University must be satisfied to receive your diploma.


  •  The name on your Graduation Application must be identical to the way it appears in PeopleSoft (the University's student information system). In order to change your name, you are required to provide legal documentation such as a birth certificate, marriage license, divorce decree, or court order.
  • To ensure your diploma is routed to the correct address, you can update your Graduation Address through PeopleSoft up to one month prior to the end of your graduation term/session. 

Before completing the online application, please schedule a meeting with your advisor to be sure you have completed all requirements for your degree and are applying for the appropriate graduation term.  If you’ve applied for graduation and need to postpone, you will need to contact the Office of the Registrar so they can make you eligible to submit another electronic application for subsequent terms in Peoplesoft.  Please note that late fees may be applicable and are non-negotiable.

Graduation Application Dates and Deadlines

Spring – April
Submission period begins October 1
Late fees begin ($25) - December 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - April 1
Summer - June 
Submission period begins February 1
Late fees begin ($25) - April 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - June 1

Summer - August
Submission period begins February 1
Late fees begin ($25) - June 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - August 1

Fall - December
Submission period begins March 1
Late fees begin ($25) - October 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - December 1

Applications received after the deadline date (for the applicable graduation term) will be processed with additional late fees depending upon the date received.  Fees must be paid at the time of online application.  

Graduation with Honors

Undergraduate members of a graduating class who have attained an outstanding scholastic record may be graduated with University honors. To be eligible, a student must complete at least 60 letter-graded credits at the University of Pittsburgh. All degree-related course work completed at the University is calculated in the grade point average, GPAs are not rounded up. Receipt of University honors is based on having obtained the following grade point average at graduation:

  Summa Cum Laude 3.75
  Magna Cum Laude 3.50
  Cum Laude 3.25

The honor status achieved by a student will appear on the student’s official University transcript and diploma.

Request for Preferred Name on Diploma

Students may request to have a preferred name printed on their diploma (“Diploma Name”).  Students should use caution and investigate the potential ramifications of using a Diploma Name instead of your legal name if you use your diploma internationally.

To request that a Diploma Name appear on your diploma, complete the Diploma Name Request form and bring it, along with your University of Pittsburgh ID card, to the Office of the Registrar (located in 279 Blackington Hall).

You must show your University photo ID in order to have this information updated and you must present the form in person.  Forms will not be accepted via e-mail, fax, mail, or from a third-party making the request in your absence.  All forms must be received by the last day of the term in which you are graduating to avoid a processing fee. 


The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown holds one annual commencement ceremony that is held immediately following the end of the Spring term. Students who graduate within the academic year are invited to attend. The academic year encompasses December, April, June and August graduation classes for the current Academic Year.  (Example: December 2023 graduates and April, June and August 2024 will be invited to the 2024 annual commencement ceremony).

Information on ordering regalia, tickets, and announcements will be sent to eligible students when more information is available. Learn more on the Commencement page.

Questions or concerns about the commencement ceremony should be directed to the Office of Conference Services at 814-269-1900 or

Plans are still being formulated on how to best celebrate our 2024 graduates in the safest possible manner.  Thank you for your ongoing patience.  Updates will be provided to all graduates via email, published on the 立博app Commencement website and announced on Pitt Johnstown's social media platforms as plans develop.  

Your diploma will be mailed to you at no charge approximately one month after the end of your term of graduation. The document will be mailed to the address provided on your online graduation application. Upon receipt, please check your diploma carefully and immediately notify the Registrar's Office of any discrepancies.

For information about ordering additional copies of your transcript, visit the Transcripts page.

If your anticipated graduation date changes, contact the Registrar's Office.

Replacement Diplomas

Additional or replacement copies of your diploma may be purchased at any time after graduation. Requests for additional/replacement diplomas can be made by submitting a written request. Print and complete the online Diploma Request form and deliver or mail it with the required $25.00 fee to the address below. This fee includes the cost of standard mailing within the domestic United States. Additional fees will be charged for overnight or overseas mailing. Checks and money orders should be made payable to 立博app.

Note: Replacement diplomas must be ordered with the name as it appeared while attending the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. If you wish to order a replacement diploma with a different name other than the name you attended 立博app under you must complete a student information update form and provide acceptable documentation to the Registrar's office. Fees may be assessed in cases where historical records are affected. Acceptable documentation consists of birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce decree, formal court order, or a valid passport.

The reorder process takes approximately one month. Replacement diplomas will be in the current style and font and bear the signatures of the current administrators.

Mail request to:
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
450 Schoolhouse Road
Office of the Registrar

279 Blackington Hall
Johnstown, PA 15904